Our perfect dog bike trailer

We stopped biking since we haveĀ our lovely little Shiba Inu girl Akira and it is a pity, because we live in a surrounding where biking is perfect. But I do not have the dog stay alone at home while we are having fun outside. For running with us I do not know how far she comes and for a basket or back pack she is too big.

This spring I said we need a solution. So we did some research and ended up with this trailer with a straight box. Last weekend I made a fitting cushion. I used material I still had around here – a piece of black denim (inkl. a test print with orange fabric color), a piece of 2 inches thick foam material for the bottom and that beautiful jacquard fabric with woven butterflies and flowers.
The top fabric is fixed with hook-and-pile tape, because I cannot wash it. The whole bottom inkl. the two bags for bottles I can put into the washing machine, which might be necessary often for a dog cushion. The hole for the leash getting inside the box I stiffened with faux leather.

We tried to get her used to sit inside and it worked well. She is a clever dog and I think she understands, that it is for her to come with us. The first test drive up and down the street in front of our house went very well even without leash, so we can’t wait to do bigger trips now.

Have fun and a sunny Sunday!